This post and all my posts are presented as my editorial views. They are based on the synthesis of my research, my sensibilities, and my intuition. Please be aware that I often talk about extraterrestrial beings, reptilians, Anunnaki, beings living thousands of years, and now angels. My intention is not to tell you what to think but to shed light on information and events that you might not otherwise be aware of. It’s then up to you to do your own integrated research. Please take what resonates here and leave the rest.
A Post
I recently wrote a Facebook post on my personal page titled “The Light Forces are cleaning up and kicking butt…”.
Here is the post in full…
“Our world was ‘stormed’, you might say, by 120,000 Angels from the Ninth Density of Light starting last night. The hardcore nitty-gritty cleanup of Planet Earth is now underway, thanks to Source/Prime Creator/God (so there’s no question of who I’m talking about), and Kim Goguen (Office of the Guardian), and all those who have been helping behind the scenes.
“This information comes to you care of United Network News (UNN, at This is not a drill and I’m not joking. In case all of this seems foreign to you or way too far-fetched to be true, that’s your signal that you have much catching up to do to bring yourselves abreast of the changes our world is undergoing and about to undergo. It’s also your signal to do your own research and take full responsibility for everything you do or don’t know.
“The cleanup is happening in all facets of our world’s control structures: politics, banking, media, economy, military, etc. Things are about to change in full mainstream view unlike anything our world has seen in millions if not billions of years.
“Hallelujah!!! It’s happening!!! This cleanup will set the stage for us to rebuild our world in the image that so many of us have envisioned. It’s time for us to get to the meaningful work of building and ushering in the Golden Age of Planet Earth!!”
A Request
In reply to the above post, a friend sent this request, “Love your most recent post and would love to hear more!”
Digging Deeper: The Story Behind the Story
I wrote this reply (edited for this blog) in response to my friend’s request.
Where to even begin…
Whether or not Mark Twain said this, it’s been my experience that “it’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.” Juxtaposing a person’s perceptual understanding of reality with what turns out to be our actual world situation often creates what I’ll call perceptual dissonance (a form of cognitive dissonance).
In my own experience, depending on each person’s unique conditioning, coming to grips with actual reality that’s contrary to one’s belief and expectation can be tricky. Some (or many) people may experience perceptual dissonance, causing resistance to accepting drastically changed global narratives.
But the bottom line is that we’ve been lied to all of our lives. We, as inhabitants of Planet Earth, have been lied to for millennia. I have no question that what will come to light in the coming weeks, months, and years will be contrary to common mainstream understandings of our world. But it is finally, undeniably time for the veils to be dissolved.
The Rabbit Hole
The best way I can think of to help you establish a foundational understanding of what’s actually going on in the world is to tell you my progression into understanding it.
I’ve said many times, in conversation and in blog posts, that all my life I’ve been incessantly curious about the story behind the story. I suppose I’ve had an inherent mistrust of authority, in large part due to strong intuition, especially early in life until it was conditioned out of me. But my intuition never fully “went away”, in spite of how much I suppressed it out of my desire to survive in a world that belittled intuitive knowing.
My incessant curiosity (and my resulting suspicion that the world was not as I had been taught) encouraged my interest about non-mainstream views of reality. Early on, in my teens, I read books about UFOs, other paranormal topics, and Edgar Cayce (called “the sleeping prophet”).
At age 21, I came across the Heaven’s Gate (HG) cult (not given that name until much later), and I felt compelled to find out what it was about. In spite of internal misgivings at times, my curiosity kept me in the cult for nearly two decades. Finally, after 18 years, in the face of numerous red flags, the overpowering intensity of my intuition and gut knowing pulled me out of the cult. My intuition was saying, “That’s no longer for you”, and in spite of my conditioned mind attuned to the group-mind of the cult, I felt compelled to leave.
Even though the HG cult was misguided in some major ways, in my view, they did have many things right. After leaving the cult, having been in its protected and cloistered environment for 18 years, I sought my best path forward in life as an individual once again. My incessant curiosity remained. I suppose it was a saving grace after the alternative experiences of the cult. I never stopped researching the story behind the story, specifically of the true nature of reality.
My Own Devil’s Advocate
Since leaving the HG cult, I’ve worked very hard to remove the layers of suppression on my intuitive knowing, from the conditioning of society and of the cult as well. With guidance from several insightful coaches in healing embedded trauma, I have been able to fine-tune my intuition. At times from a mindset of clarity, I have received immediate and in-depth downloads about complete strangers that have turned out to be true.
My searching nature led me to eschew most mainstream sources of information in favor of sources that mainstream or “conventional wisdom” deemed to be without merit, disreputable, or fringe. That led me to many “alt-media” sources. For a while I was on the Trump bandwagon, even though I found Trump to be an obnoxious egotist. But he was saying things that sounded better to me than most other politicians. The problem was that when the standard to exceed is low, it’s easy to sound better.
When covid came along, the differing political and social sentiments seemed to me to become even more polarized. But the thinking and logic of the opposing sides seemed like caricatures, exaggerations, or outlandish nonsense, on both sides of so many debates. So, I kept vetting, open to proving my own assertions wrong, and focused on unraveling the riddles of our crazy world. Sometimes I would debate with friends about all of it, which helped me find the holes in my own assertions.
Not quite a year ago, I came across a “news” report called UNN or United Network News (, specifically Kim Goguen’s “Office of the Guardian” World Situation Report. UNN presents a pre-recorded newscast three times a week (Mon/Wed/Fri). At first, even though I was fascinated by it, I couldn’t believe that what Kim Goguen was saying on the world situation report was true.
I tried to poke holes in what she said and to discover how she was spinning the “tall tales” she spoke of. She definitely wasn’t discussing mainstream narratives and views, and most of what she said flew in the face of alt-media narratives as well. Through my vetting process, which includes my intuition, my deductive mind, NLP, and body language, I gradually came to believe that she was truthful and a legitimate authority about what she was saying. To me, Kim Goguen speaks from a place of true knowledge, and to my observation, without the guise or arrogance that some mockingbird media commentators can embody.
Pieces of True History
Kim Goguen paints the picture that for billions of years our Planet Earth had been controlled by several off-world extraterrestrial races. Specifically, these were the Draco reptilians (which she uses interchangeably with Anunnaki) and a race of earlier version humans called the Abraxas, among others. All of these beings vying for (and succeeding at) control, were what Kim Goguen termed “anti-life” and what most Christians would assuredly call demonic or satanic, for good reason.
Most recently (meaning within the last several thousands of years), a “fellow” named Marduk was in the top seat of control of Planet Earth. Marduk was an Anunnaki creature, actually a draco reptilian. The term “Marduk” was a title rather than a name. In this case, “Mar” meant “sea of consciousness” and “duke” meant “royalty in control”. The most recent “Marduk” was the grandson of the Anunnaki king named Anu. The Anunnaki, according to many accounts I’ve read or heard, can live for millions if not billions of years.
There are various accounts of Anunnaki interactions with Planet Earth throughout Earth’s history, based on the Sumerian tablets, Hebrew texts, the Quran, Mayan historical texts, and ancient Egyptian texts. Although some accounts and interpretations differ somewhat, Zacharia Sitchin, Graham Hancock, and other historians of ancient times have brought these accounts to light more recently.
Many of those various accounts refer to Anu and his two sons Enlil and Enki, and how they have been seen in biblical accounts as gods. Sitchin wrote several books on “the Twelfth Planet” about Nibiru, the Anunnaki, and their interactions with humankind. Several other accounts exist as well.
Who Does Kim Goguen Work For?
So, who is Kim Goguen and how did she come to sit in the role that Marduk used to have? According to Kim, she, over the course of many, many lifetimes on Planet Earth, has been in a counter-party role against these races of control over Earth.
By her own account, Kim is very psychic, for example, able to do remote viewing. She is also able to keep her mind in theta mode all the time, thus staying connected to God/Source/Prime Creator. She is capable of astral travel at will into any density or dimension in full conscious awareness. And she has repeatedly said that any human being can develop these capabilities.
Kim has said countless times that the only agreement and responsibility she has to adhere to is her agreement to advocate for the eight billion inhabitants of Planet Earth. That agreement and responsibility to Earth’s inhabitants is carried out in strict adherence to Source/Prime Creator’s guidance.
Light and Dark Ages
Kim has talked about how, over billions of years, Earth (and the Multiverse as a whole), by decree from Source, has gone through different “ages”. Those differing ages have included light, neutral, and dark ages, each one lasting about three billion years or so. During all three types of ages (light, dark, and neutral), an essential balance as decreed by Source between light and dark was to be generally maintained.
At the beginning of the Multiverse, Source created his counterpart (“anti-source”) to create the paradigm of duality that many students of metaphysics have talked about. Per Source’s decree, even in a “dark” age, a certain degree of balance between dark and light was to be maintained, but with the dark beings associated with anti-source keeping the upper hand of control. In a neutral age, dark and light were to share control, and during a light age, beings aligned with Light were to have the upper hand of control.
We recently (in the last few years) have been transitioning out of a “dark” age. Leading up to that, Kim gradually awakened to remembering her past lives including activities related to run-ins with the Anunnaki controllers. As Kim awakened, she gradually took over the control structures of Earth. Eventually, with assistance from Source, three generations of Anunnaki controllers were “returned to Source” (lost their lives in their current form never to incarnate again as the same soul identity). The Abraxas (a fifth-density race of anti-life beings) and many others in Earth’s control structure met with a similar end.
Hierarchy of Control
Below the Anunnaki and Marduk in the hierarchical control structure, there were a group of 21 “people” called “the Parents”. The Parents had been given technology to extend their lives indefinitely. Below them were 42 coven leaders. Beneath the coven leaders were 21 covens. Below the covens were the elite families (such as the Rothschilds and others), as well as fifteen private military groups.
This hierarchical control structure was put in place over the millennia of Earth’s most recent dark age by the Anunnaki. Across the centuries, the control structure, from Marduk at the top down to the secret military groups and elitist families, remained hidden from the unsuspecting “common” man and woman. Through their top-down tyranny, they maintained control of the populations of Earth for hundreds of thousands of years.
You may have heard the saying that the victors of wars end up writing (to their preference) the history books that we’re taught in school. If that’s true (I believe it is), we might logically surmise that there’s much about our history that has been changed, fabricated, or suppressed.
None of the above groups in the hierarchical control structure were ever in public view. Therefore, very few people knew about them. Orders came down through the levels of control from Marduk. If they weren’t carried out according to Marduk’s specifications and according to each subsequent controller’s orders, the ones who didn’t carry them out were killed. That’s one way control was maintained.
At each level of control down through the various control pathways, each group would be told only what they needed to know to carry out their specific orders. In that way, Marduk could create competing narratives on the world stage which would make it seem like different factions were in conflict with each other. All the while, all orders still originated with Marduk. From that, you might see how all of the divisiveness on the world stage was created.
This hierarchy is the true “deep state” that so many in the alt-media talk about. But they either don’t know the whole picture (of how many levels there were) or they are in on the control structure so they are sworn to secrecy.
It’s not until we get down to the so-called political and military leaders, politicians, and government houses and parliaments, that we see the “authorities” that we’re familiar with. Each government official, whether president, prime minister, senator, or member of parliament, has handlers from the 15 military groups telling them what they will and will not do, what laws they can and cannot pass.
Virtually all of our politicians worldwide are corrupt. They have not been permitted to reach the upper levels of *political office* or *business* or *banking* or *military* or *media* without kowtowing to their handlers above them. They are compromised and manipulated by their handlers through graft, greed, bribery, blackmail, and coercion.
Turning the Ship Around
All of the above chain of command was how the control structure was organized till 2019 or thereabouts. My understanding is that from about 2016 till 2019, three generations of the Anunnaki controllers were removed from the multiverse. During those three to four years, Anu, Enlil, Enki, and Marduk were all sent back to Source.
As a result, the control structure has gradually ceased to function as effectively as it previously had under Marduk’s absolute control. But because of the secrecy of the upper levels, the lower levels, even if they had been aware of Marduk’s presence or role, were not aware he was gone. But due to the momentum of millennia, new orders continued to propagate down through the remaining levels for the lower-level operatives and handlers to carry out.
For the last year, Kim has been doing active cleanup with the help of those assisting her behind the scenes (also in service to Source). She has often referred to those helping her as “Others”, meaning non-human beings aligned with Source. These “Others” have technologies that vastly outstrip anything even the “Secret Space Program” has on tap.
The cleanup process orchestrated by Kim and her helpers involves first communicating direct and thorough information to the operatives and handlers comprising each level of control. Based on the information that Kim provides them, they then have the opportunity to continue their anti-life agenda or choose to change allegiance to the agenda of life, Source, and love. Her goal is to give them a chance to turn away from the anti-life, anti-Source agenda and show by their actions their desire to work toward the restoration of Earth.
Up until Nov 15, 2023, this time of cleanup of the anti-life control structure was taking place incrementally. And till now, virtually none of the members of the various operative groups have chosen to make their choice for the good. Because of that, they have been “sent back to Source”, meaning they would likely never have the option to incarnate as that particular soul on this planet or any other. As each level of operators and handlers for that level are removed, the level of operatives below them then has the same choice presented to them.
The problem across the board has been that none of the operatives at each subsequent level of control wanted to give up their (perceived) control. As the level above them was taken out, they believed it was now their turn to be in charge of Earth. What they failed to realize was that they had never been given the full picture of what was going on. They were just as much puppets to the levels above them as those they manipulated beneath them. They were unsuccessful in their control operations because they had not been given the insights and knowledge needed to make informed decisions about how to effectively control Planet Earth.
They failed time and time again. Attempting to execute orders given years before by handlers no longer living, they were blinded and deluded by egoic arrogance. That never seemed to stop any of them from continuing along the anti-life path of destruction and suppression of life on Earth. So, in the face of continuing to “make poor life choices” in continuing their destruction of life and well-being against humanity, life, and planet, they were sent back to Source.
Even as each successive level of control was removed, the momentum of the control structures in place for billions of years has continued to play out. Kim Goguen and her crew needed to find and destroy all of the anti-life technologies propagated throughout the three billion years of this recent dark age. Much like trying to turn the Titanic around before it hits the iceberg, it has taken time.
According to Kim, this sea change of turning back to Light has been by Source’s decree. Apparently, it had always been Source’s decree till now that the light side and the dark side would maintain a degree of balance between them. But the dark side always took liberties up to the limit of checks and balances Source had put in place.
Now, at the end of this dark age, level after level of Earth’s remaining control structure has chosen to continue their destructive anti-life ways. As a result, Source has decreed there will only be Light ages going forward. There will no longer be dark ages, here on Earth or anywhere in the Multiverse. The advent of this decree ushers in Earth’s golden age.
Non-Repairable Humans
Something to understand as well is the difference, in Kim’s vernacular, between organic and inorganic beings. My understanding is that organic beings (bodies and souls) were initially created in alignment with the natural laws of Source. Inorganic beings were not truly created but rather were constructed by anti-source geneticists. As such, even though those constructed bodies—and souls—seemed to be alive or animated with life, they lacked the spark and essence of Source. I may have deeper clarity on all of that at some point, but that’s my current understanding.
The anti-life crowd had technologies and dark agenda devices placed all over the world (and multiverse). These various technologies had been placed across the multiverse over the last three-billion years or more. The technologies were used to transmute the energy and light of organic beings into dark energy.
The inorganic, anti-source beings could not live or act without the energy sources of beings created in alignment with the natural law of Source. In other words, we organic humans were used as batteries to power their activities. They hated us but could not live without us.
One of the main reasons the dark cabal needed organic beings to continue their dark agenda was to “farm” humankind for “loosh” or dark energy, through manipulation of our emotions. That’s the main reason for the manipulated divisiveness of societies around the world.
Inorganic beings can’t live without the light of organic beings. Think of the humans kept in pods in the Matrix movies that were used as power generators to power the matrix. That’s also why the elites use adrenochrome—to directly ingest the natural life-force of those in alignment with and connected to God/Source/Prime Creator.
Kim Goguen has referred to the people who have refused to return to the light and away from their age-old anti-life agenda as “non-repairable humans”. These are the ones who continue to make poor life choices and accordingly are sent back to Source. They are not destroyed at the soul level, but in being sent back to Source, Source integrates them back into Itself/Herself/Himself (whatever pronoun can be used to refer to Source).
120,000 Angels Arrive
So, now in my descriptions of all of these things, I am finally at the point in time of the “storming” of our world by 120,000 Angels from the Ninth Density of Light. Until this point, the process of cleanup, as directed by Kim and those helping her, had been slow and methodical. She had been giving the various players a chance to make better life choices for the benefit of the inhabitants of Planet Earth. Virtually all of them showed by their destructive actions that they were choosing to stay their course.
On a recent world situation report on UNN, Kim had mentioned that some of the “Others” helping her had told her that November 15 (2023) would be a big day. Kim didn’t know what that meant at the time or until the actual event occurred. In yesterday’s (Nov 15) situation report, she said she was as surprised as anyone to find that 120,000 Angels from the Ninth Density of Light, starting around midnight the night before, had arrived on Planet Earth.
The Angelic troops, as directed by Source, had arrived to quicken our progress toward Earth’s restoration. Their first task is to expedite the decision-making process of those remaining aligned against the restoration of Earth. Do they want to help in Earth’s restoration? Or do they want to continue on their previous dark path? If it’s the former, great, they will be put to work in our restoration process. If it’s the latter, they will be returned to Source in an instant, humane blink of an eye. If any of them try to resist in any way, their weapons are “disappeared” instantly, as are they themselves.
The technologies at Kim’s disposal allow her to see and hear what’s going on at the various venues where these Angelic beings are delivering their messages and ultimatums. It’s probably best if you hear it from Kim directly on the Nov 15 situation report. But the way she described it, although these Angelic beings are in human form and look human, you can tell by their light they are not.
As I mentioned in the Facebook post, this cleanup is happening in all facets of our world’s control structures, including politics, banking, media, big business, military, etc. The Angelic beings started their operations in the US. From there, they have then been going to every country in the world delivering their messages and acting according to the reception they receive from the remaining dark cabal members. Supposedly, the Angelics are now in control of the White House and Congress as well as the Federal Reserve, the major US banks, and the big media companies. We shall see.
Fluid Timetable
I believe that Kim Goguen said that it might take till the end of this month before we start seeing evidence of this changeover coming out into mainstream news sources. Although the timetable is fluid and depends on what those remaining in the ancient (dark) control structure choose to do. Those dark cabal or deep state actors now left will either decide to work for the light or they will be returned to Source. Those that have been in dark positions of control will either turn toward restoration or they will no longer be on Earth.
To me, that could only sound harsh if you’re not aware of the death and destruction that’s been taking place on Earth throughout the last three billion years. As an example, the conflict between Israel and Gaza/Palestine in recent weeks is a fabricated but very destructive event. There are deep state actors wreaking havoc on both sides. It was created as one of the last gasps by the crazy minions of the deep state trying to hold onto power (which they never had).
Further Information
Obviously, there is much more to the story. This topic is truly of epic proportions as it deals with Earth’s true history spanning billions of years. Understandably, this blog post has barely scratched the surface.
To me, the best way to stay abreast of the news from UNN as it rolls out is to subscribe to UNN for about $9 a month, which will give you access to Kim Goguen’s world situation report. (That’s my recommendation; I receive nothing from your choice to subscribe.)
Again, UNN broadcasts world and regional news and Kim Goguen’s world situation report every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. They also post a free version (a week behind each broadcast’s initial release date) on UNN’s Rumble and YouTube channels. But you can also catch their free weekly podcast each Saturday on the UNN app or on your favorite podcast player. It’s called United Network News – the Rundown.
In addition to this blog post, my previous two blog posts may give you some helpful background on this topic.
Thanks for reading.
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